Tag Archives: Happy

Making memories of me

As you may know, my memories are very important to me. I love photos, I love looking back on my past and I love my lists lol. I have my happy book to document the things that make me smile and I have a bucket list of things to tick off as I go.

Working in the job and being married to my husband has taught me to never let anything hold me back. To enjoy life, to experience it… Because I can… And because I deserve to.

With our move growing ever closer I’m getting sentimental, thinking of the times I’ve had… With the people I’ve met… In the places I’ve been…

So it seems quite fitting to add to my bucket list… But I need your help.

I’m not talking about lavish, expensive things… More the simple things like enjoying cadburys chocolate before giving into the world of Hershey’s *shudder* or milking a cow … Because why wouldn’t you when your best friend lives on a farm?? Or screw the weather lets go punting in cambridge… Because it’s almost local so why not? Of course I have Madame Tussaud’s (the waxworks) on mine because let’s face it it’s the only way I’m going to meet my boyband crush before I go so it kills 2 birds with one stone… But what would you do?

I have 2 months left in England… Brits…what would you suggest I do?
The rest of the world… What would you want to do if you visited England?

Likewise I’m going to be limited to (probably) one year in North Carolina before moving to the next place so Non Americans…. What would be the little things you would want to experience/taste/see that we can’t do here? Or the bigger things you would love to do if you had the chance to go? And Americans… What would you suggest? I’ve heard about “trees” … Everyone keeps gasping about how beautiful the trees are…. I’m lost lol. So what is there around NC – or in America in General- to look out for and experience?

I WILL be taking up blogging again once things are more settled – hopefully by then I will have some bucket list “ticks” to share with you 🙂

So… If you don’t mind… I would love to have a few ideas (the more the better) from each of you of things to do on each side of the pond.


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Motivation Monday – Blog blocking

^^^^ like cock blocking but in the blog sense lol

I am now a member :)

I am now a member 🙂

My head is still all over the place – which I’m sure this post will be too- don’t get me wrong I’m not cuddled up on the sofa sobbing every day it’s more that I have so much to write about AND think about AND do that I’m struggling to get my thoughts written out… Aside from that by the time I find the time to write them I’m either feeling good and almost wanting to avoid thinking about it all over again… Or I’m just Blimmin shattered
The other thing killing my blogging vibe is my eye…I had an eye test last week and he said that one eye has improved while the other has gotten slightly worse- actually it’s the eye that usually feels the full force of my migraines so I assume with it working overdrive to see through an out of a 2 year old prescription that’s more than likely causing them – not to mention the usual stress/hormone headaches and change in heat adding to them.

Work is still going great by the way, I’m insured to drive the van so have been driving this massive thing around – if they witnessed my attempts to park a normal sized car I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t have agreed to it lol but anyway that means that I’m now driving at least 3 times as much as usual and straining my eye a lot more too… So obviously once home the last thing I feel like doing is staring at a screen and pushing them even further – unfortunately this includes reading the eBook I was (and still am) looking forward to.

Lately my arm is giving me jip too. We rented a car a few weeks back…for a whole month as apparently hard braking takes its toll on my brake pads lol, his car has gone to the little scrap heap in the sky so he’s been driving mine the short distance to work and I’m in charge of the rental until my new pads/discs arrive… However the way I’ve been sitting must be different as my elbow is feeling it now, along with passing out every night in dodgy sleep positions AND a nice incident with my bosses wheelchair ramp adding to it so the idea of bending it to type a full blog post doesn’t thrill me lol. I’m keeping that bad boy straight every chance I get.

Are you convinced by all that? Still wondering the real reason I’ve been gone? Damn you…knowing me too well lol…Of course the above really is pissing me off and physically affecting my blogging life but the elephant in the room for me right now would be our anniversary which is 2 weeks away. Its our one year anniversary of marriage…and every time I think about it I cry :/ I am anxious as hell about ‘celebrating’ a year of surviving marriage and avoiding divorce…when we only just managed to do that! It makes me feel like a fake, it reminds me of the shit we have been through and the closer the day comes the more emotionally unstable I get. I talked it out in counselling last week and I WILL get around to writing about it fully now that me feelings on it are a little clearer and less confused. PINKY PROMISE.


Cake #3

So what on earth have I been doing?… Well instead of blogging I’ve been spending time with hubby, planning his birthday stuff, getting creative with presents and practicing cake decorating. The last one (double layer cake) was taken into his work and prompted a request for a pink, flowery cake for a workmates wife – which I was thrilled (and a little bit proud) about…until I realised its for the day after hubbys birthday lol so this week I will be making 2 cakes from scratch and decorating them ready for the weekend…wish me luck.

For one of his presents I’ve decorated a jar and printed off a few (personal) positive genuines on little strips of paper so when he’s feeling shit he can read a few of them – simple idea and many of the positives are simple too but hopefully it will help him remember that his positive things each day don’t need to be materialistic or big… little things work too; also maybe reading some of the things I feel I would be happy about in his situation will make him realise them too.

I have to say writing them was difficult in itself; Before everything happened I had written him a letter listing all the things I loved about him/us so I figured I could use most of those in the jar…but reading them back made me sad…a lot of it was about how I could trust him or how genuine he was…(I actually cringed reading them back :/) so I’ve had to start from scratch and find positive spins on the usual traits and adapt them to suit him…it was sad…BUT it was also quite good for me to do that because it made me realise them too, of course there are good things about him which I love! Silly Beth! …now I have a whole list to remind me on the shit days too lol.

My Happy Book :)

My Happy Book 🙂

Speaking of which I now have a brand spanking new HAPPY BOOK 😀 My last blog spent quite a bit of time telling the stories from my little book of happiness, a book full of quotes, sayings, photos…things stuck in…anything which I had experienced that left me smiling for days and which would bring back that smile the instant I read/saw them on one of the pages. After everything came out this year a fair bit of that happy book seemed tainted and void, not much of that happy stuff was genuine (i.e. stuff relating to my husband) and so the book had the opposite effect whenever I opened it…as did my blog…and so i got rid of both of them…and that was shit…like…REALLY shit. What made things even worse was when that friend of mine fucked off -again tainting many of the happy things from that book so there really wasn’t much good left in it :/ Well, seeing as I have now got into the habit of finding positives, getting out and about…pretty much making new…REAL, untainted memories I figured it was time to start a fresh book and fill it with goodness. And so I did :)- and that alone makes me smile 🙂 – maybe I will share some of them with you too.  (Pete you’re in the happy book btw)
Goals for this week

  • BeetlyPete kindly did some research for places to send my Vinyl singles and on following up on his lead I now know where to take them. This man has kindly agreed to sort through them and see what they’re worth…the problem being that I can’t move them from one side of the room to the other…let alone in and out of my car and across the town (there are about 2,000 of them…that’s some heavy lifting lol) so I need to wait until hubby is off work at a time when the store is open so he can help me. It’s also at least an hours travel from me so planning is key… SO… Call him and tell him to hold his horses and figure out a date that we can go.
  • I want to blog my arse off… so hopefully this week I can do that a little – depending on my arm/head…and of course whether its nice out or not as if it is then I will be enjoying that while I have the chance…so either of those will do. I do have some awards which need posting so hopefully I will get a chance to do those if not more 🙂
  • Make not one but two fan-friggin-tastic cakes


  • I wore an outfit I wouldn’t usually go for this weekend…and I survived
  • I got to write this…without getting a migraine
  • Hubby and me had the day off together and had a nice meal in the garden of the place we got married

Posted by on July 15, 2013 in Under construction


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Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes :)

English: Large amount of pennies

English: Large amount of pennies (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Well after last week its about bloody time I had some good things happening around here!

Apologies for being less active on the blogging front – I’ve had a busy week -but a good one so in case you’re getting ready to send out the search party and send these links to all my family and friends…I’m still alive…and happy for a change lol. -I’ll leave updates on hubby (really good) and ‘the friend’ (so-so) for another post.

Work is going well, I’m absolutely in love with the girl I’m working for. We spent a few hours this week sorting out her room in preparation for moving in a few months….I LOVE organising -even more so when its someone else’s as I don’t have that sentimental value kicking in and can be ruthless (with her permission of course) We get on great, we laugh constantly and so far its definitely refreshing to get out of the house and forget about anything to do with home life. Its nice to focus on someone else, to help someone else and to enjoy it, its rewarding -of course there’s the pocket money I make from it- but aside from that its just good…it makes me feel good.

On hearing about our recent parking fine my mum kindly sent me a little financial treat – I didn’t ask for it because we weren’t going hungry or anything but man I’m grateful. I suppose that’s what mums are for lol but at 27 -and married- it shouldn’t be necessary. It isn’t really – hubby felt like a let down – but I explained to him its just what she does; we didn’t NEED it, we didn’t ASK for it…but we have got it now. She’s like me…if she’s got it…you can have it and she never expects it back.

The same day I got a letter from my granny with some more cash in it…so we could ‘buy ourselves an ice cream’ which was another nice surprise. All in all we pretty much ended up with the entire parking fine back so I’d say that’s a win lol.

My Tesco club card vouchers came in…whoop whoop… and seeing as there’s an exchange going on I was able to double my vouchers giving me £20 to spend online (or in store but I chose online seeing as my local Tesco is probably the inspiration for THE local shop in the League of Gentlemen) SO…with well needed new clothes for me in my basket (boring basics like undies, socks and t-shirts that you never want to spend REAL money on) I went to exchange my vouchers and found that I still had previous credits on my account which I had never used…so £40 in total! Hello well needed new FUN clothes for me too 🙂 £40 worth of clothes (and you know with Tesco’s value that’s a LOT of items) AND free delivery if you pick up in store….so all of that for free 🙂 yay me Mrs bargain hunter! ‘every little helps’ and all that 🙂

English: wedding photography Français : photog...

Mine looked nothing like this (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I found a voucher in a ‘boots’ magazine for 50 free photo prints when you order online… Photos have been on my list of things to get since we got married. I love my photos but printing -although relatively cheap- just isn’t worth the money – or top priority when you’re trying to set up house. Aside from one big-ish print and 3 normal sized I don’t have any other prints from our wedding day; we sent our relatives discs with them on so they could choose and print the ones they wanted (cheeky I know). I had started a wedding scrap book before the big day documenting all the trials and potentials for dresses/cakes/decorations etc (even for the small occasion it was) and wanted to have photos of the outcome throughout too but that’s never been finished…SO…50 free prints (99p for postage) are headed my way ready to finish what I started – and send one or two to the older ones in the family as well.

Looking back over them and choosing the ones I wanted was actually really nice – considering all the shit we’ve been through this year- I was surprised at how nice it was to look back at them…AND it gives me an excuse to get the glue and out get creative 🙂

Speaking of creative…I’ve been asked by Lieutenant Mo from the Rome Construction Crew to write a few posts for the new RCC website which I’m really excited about so I’ll be busy doing those on the side too…better get my motivational/positive head on.

I’m off to work in a minute – yup working on a Saturday… but hubbys at work anyway so I figured I could either do housework, alone…for free OR I could organise for someone else, with company…and get paid 🙂 and tonight….oh yes…it is EUROVISION!!! WHOOP WHOOP! Me and my family used to watch it together, put a few pounds in a pot, score each act, tally up the total and pick one winner each…then whomever won (or came closest if none of our choices won) would get the pot. We’ve not been able to do that for the past few years but this time I’ve got my score sheets ready (roped in the hubby but telling him about the skin-tight outfits and fitties) I’ve actually placed a real bet (just a little one) and my mum is playing along at home with her phone to hand so I’m really excited; sad and tacky? yes! But loads of fun? Of course!

Anyone else watching it tonight?

Enjoy the rest of your weekend



Posted by on May 18, 2013 in Under construction


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Rambles, writing and amusing musings

Smile! laugh out loud! enjoy the following

Radiant Hope

Those who Hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar like wings on eagles, they will run and not grow weary.


If you're a mess, at least be haute.

The MisAdventures of Vanilla

Mom, Activist, and Stripper

omg he said what?

My husband (surprise!) may be an idiot, but I love him anyway

Michael Bradley - Time Traveler

The official website of Michael Bradley - Author of novels, short stories and poetry involving the past, future, and what may have been.

Wobble a Jelly

Start the movement

Fiction Favorites

with John W. Howell


Welcome to George's world, no invitation needed, feel at home

The Girl with Twine in Her Bag

My six-word memoir: Can it be four?


The Key To Effective Communicating

Therapy nut loops.

In the client's chair

The Neophyte Therapist

Let's talk about feelings, shall we?

bravolionlady's Blog

Overcoming Co-Dependency 1 step at a time

Freshly Pressed: Editors' Picks

Great reads from across, updated daily.