Tag Archives: Photoshop

Pouring my art out…BRING IT!

Pouring My Art Out issued a warning (here) recently stating:

‘I am going to visit all of your blogs randomly, steal pictures, and do stuff to them in Photoshop.’

Well…although I doubt he would get any good use out the one image of me on here; his threat still had me on edge…I mean…he COULD do something to my image, there’s nothing stopping him, but what would he do?

I began feeling like a woman being stalked or a lamb being led to slaughter…its intense, its possible…it’s a little creepy

So to take my mind off it I decided to do THIS….

PouringmyMAGICout - By ComfortablyNumb

PouringmyMAGICout – By ComfortablyNumb

(I never said I was a pro!!)

You cant scare me anymore; I’ve faced my demons (or just you really so…demon) and in such a pretty dress how could you possibly be scary? Or cree… ok yeah its still creepy.

Anyway…pouringmyartout….BRING IT!


Posted by on April 25, 2013 in Uncategorized



Rambles, writing and amusing musings

Smile! laugh out loud! enjoy the following

Radiant Hope

Those who Hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar like wings on eagles, they will run and not grow weary.


If you're a mess, at least be haute.

The MisAdventures of Vanilla

Mom, Activist, and Stripper

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My husband (surprise!) may be an idiot, but I love him anyway

Michael Bradley - Time Traveler

The official website of Michael Bradley - Author of novels, short stories and poetry involving the past, future, and what may have been.

Wobble a Jelly

Start the movement

Fiction Favorites

with John W. Howell


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The Girl with Twine in Her Bag

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The Key To Effective Communicating

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The Neophyte Therapist

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